los nazcaThe Nazcas were a pre-columbian culture which developed on the Southern Coast of Peru, after the Paracas culture.
They developed between the years 200 to 700 a.d. in the valleys of Pisco, Chincha, Nazca, and Ica. They had as political and administrative capital to the city of CAHUACHI

Over the years various researchers in the world have been concerned by this culture.


This culture is very well known for the Nazca lines, where today is observed on the desert sands various drawings and representations, of which in addition it is said that they were a form of contact with the aliens” and the astrology.
However much before that the Nazca lines were discovered, this culture was already recognized for its colorful pottery.

The ceramics nazca

The ceramics they produced clearly outweigh all the up to now unearthed in South America.They are considered the most pictorial and beautiful of all Pre-columbian America. In them seven different clay have been identified
and up to ten colors in a single ceramic.

Nazca pottery shows in a very realistic way the ancient world of the settlers, their daily life, customs, their gods of mythology, as well as characters, animals, plants, birds and creatures.