Where it comes from The American man, The great cultures and the development of The pre -columb

ian pottery or ancient ceramic of this part of the planet?

Many scholars have attempted to respond to this fascinating question, considering different theories that attempt to explain the possible alternatives on the origin of the first settlers in America.
There are 2 major theories that would explain where it came from; these are The Autoctonista Theory and The Inmigracionista Theory


According to Florentino Ameghino The American man is native from South America, appearing in the Argentine Pampas during the Cenozoic Era, more than 2 million years ago (Homo Pampeanus).

According to this theory the American man is indigenous to this continent, therefore America would be the cradle of humankind. It was argued that the Homo Pampeanus descended from The Neanderthal man.


Argues that the American man was not indigenous to the continent itself but that came from other continents. Among the various theories are The Asian, Australian and Oceanic.

Asian Theory

Asian TheoryAccording to Alex Hrdlicka, the first settlers in America came from The Asian continent. They would have crossed the continent through The Bering Strait, during the WISCONSIN GLACIATION, taking advantage of the freezing of the ocean
These settlers would have arrived at the Alaska Peninsula, between the years 12,000 to 10,000 b.c.

Australian Theory
Australian Theory

According to Mendez Correa the first immigrants that arrived to America would have come from the Australian continent, crossing the Antarctic and entering into America by the Cape Horn, then moving toward the Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia. This migration process could have happened approximately 6000 b.c.

Ocean Theory
Ocean Theory

According to Paul Rivet the man came to America from Oceania, specifically from the archipelago of Melanesia and Polynesia.

Melanesica Immigration argues that the primitive Melanesians have come following the route of the Pacific Ocean. They entered the ocean making use of its primitive boats, to arrive at the new world, the area between Mexico (Colima) and Panama (Cocos Island)