
After of the pre-inca cultures emerged in South America a great civilization called The INCAS. They had its hegemony during three centuries until the arrival of the Spaniards. They joined to various cultures through conquests and subjected to people of different regions that now correspond to the countries of Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Argentina.

The Incas continued with the ceramic art initiated by the Moche and Nazca. Their ceramics are characterized by a polished surface and fine decor, also by its mass production, since they were evidence of the use of molds that allowed them to make standardized productions.


The pottery style that predominated during the Incas were the QUERO and ARIBALO. This last is a pointed and cylindrical ceramic, decorated with beautiful colors and beautiful geometric figures.

The prestige reached by the Inca pottery also made that the cultures to which they conquered copied their forms and decorations.