On the north coast of Peru existed hundreds of years ago a very powerful and warrior people known as the MOCHE.

The Mochica or Moche Culture was developed between the territories of milk, Lambayeque, Jequetepeque, Chicama, Moche, Viru, took to the huaca del Sol and the Moon as their main political and administrative center.
The mochica civilization spanned between the years 200 and 700 b.c. It is the most representative Culture of Peru from the old point of view of artistic expression in ancient pottery.

los moche


They were considered The best ceramists of South America thanks to the fine and developed work they have done. In them, they represented their gods, men, animals, ceremonial items and myths that reflected their perception of the world.
The Mochica society was established in hierarchies, that was also reflected in their ancients ceramics or “huacos.

The Moche were obviously warriors, as shown by the fight scenes in the decorations of the vases and sculptural representations. The warriors enjoyed a special status and formed small professional armies. For the Mochicas, lovers of life, death was not the end.

They also mastered sea and fishing.

los mochicas